Discover Your Life Purpose

7 Ways to Find Your Life Purpose: Numerology, the Writing Method, Ayurveda, Expert Dowsing, Wild Oat, Aura Color, and Spiritual Guidance.

By Javier Ramon Brito

"Purpose is what gives life a meaning." ~Charles H. Perkhurst

"You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be."~Abraham Hicks

At some point in your life you truly begin to ask yourself about your life purpose. You want to find the ultimate answer to your quest, with meaning and purpose beyond the day-to-day activities and beyond cultural influences. Fortunately, there are several methods you may use to find the answer you are looking for. In this article, I will address Numerology, the Writing Method, Bach Flower Remedies, Ayurveda, Dowsing, Aura Color, and Spiritual Guidance. And I will give you a hint “to know for sure” when you have found your right answer.


1. Numerology might be a good start to discover your life purpose, especially if you resonate with the idea that everything in the universe can ultimately be reduced to numbers, as Pythagoras taught. This exercise can be fun if you do it with an open mind and if you take the result as a very important hint in your quest, but not as a sort of straitjacket.

Basically, you calculate your life purpose or life path number by adding all the digits of your birth day (month/day/full year) one by one until you reach a 2 digit number. Then you add together these 2 digits to reach a final number.

This would be your “LIFE PATH NUMBER”. OK, what does it tell you? -It tells you the basic path you are walking. It gives you a hint about your basic abilities and opportunities, a broad picture about your path. What does each number tell you? -Each number has a special meaning according to Numerology, which can be summarized as follows:

1. Leadership. You have a strong drive, confidence and wish to lead and have attention.

2. Kindness. You are emotional and sensitive, kind and understanding. Relationships matter a lot to you.

3. Imagination. You wish to give joy, happiness. You are friendly and normally have a good sense of humor. You are artistic and expressive. Having many friends and being popular is important to you.

4. Patience. You are disciplined, methodical and reliable. You are grounded and hard-working. You like order.

5. Freedom. You like change and variety. You love your personal freedom. You like to travel. You are adaptable to any condition, country or kind of people.

6. Balance. You are a nurturer and center your life around a nice home and your loved ones. You are a loyal friend and a good counselor.

7. Spirituality. You wish peace and silence to live your inner life. You like to analyze things from all angles and going to the source of all things. You seek wisdom and spirituality.

8. Executive power. You wish success in all material things. You love organization, building, finances and management. You have the vision to make your efforts productive. You are efficient.

9. Love for humankind. You are a humanitarian and want to serve the world at large. You are passionate in your beliefs. You have wisdom and compassion. You wish to contribute to save the world.

Note: While double digits are reduced to a single digit (like 10 is reduced to 1), numbers 11 and 22 are considered as special cases in numerology, since they are master numbers.

11. Vision. You are a universalist and dream big. You are innovative, intuitive and sometimes even psychic. You love ideals, have inner strength and devotion.

22. Master Builder. You wish to be the perfect builder for the good and security of all. You have your eyes on the stars but your feet firmly on the ground.

Do you resonate with the above description of your life path number? You might say, “yes, it sounds like me, but is there more?” –Well, Numerology adds up to the fun by providing you with additional clues derived from the numeric vibrations of your name. My name? –I hear you say. Yes, this might seem very subjective indeed, because it can be argued that parents choose the names for their sons or daughters at will, arbitrarily or to pay a tribute to the memory of someone dear. Interestingly, many numerologists think that parents pick up the vibration of their son or daughter subconsciously and end up naming them accordingly. You might believe this or not, but try this exercise, at least for fun. You might be surprised at the result.

For accuracy, you must use your FULL legal name at birth (no nick names or abbreviations). Write it down and write below each letter its numerical value according to the following chart:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22

(If you are reading this page in a language that is not English, make sure to see the original chart here)

Then add all the digits one by one until you reach a 2 digit number. Add together these 2 digits to reach a single-digit final number. This would be your “EXPRESSION NUMBER”, the one that tells you what you are expressing in your life. The essence of your vibrations. For some numerologists, this is like “the baggage” of talents and abilities you brought to this world. If you believe in reincarnation, then this number might reflect the experience or wisdom you are carrying from your past lives.

What if you add only the consonants (without vowels) of your full legal name? –Then you will get your “LATENT-BEING NUMBER” or “personality number”. It shows how you are when you are at rest, when you are alone –without external influences- and busy with your own dreams.

And what if you add only the vowels (without the consonants) of your full legal name? –This is where the really interesting stuff comes up. You get your “SOUL’S DESIRE NUMBER” or “heart’s desire number”. The vowels in your name give you the vibration of your soul’s desire or ideal, according to Numerology. This number might be the same number you got for your expression number or for your latent-being number, or might be a different one. And once you grasp the messages of all this numbers, you may have a nice broad picture of yourself and your general life purpose.


2. The writing method. If you are not a left-brain person or if you are not much into numbers, another simple way to discover your life purpose involves only writing. This method has been explained by Steve Pavlina and others. It requires writing on paper ALL the answers that come to your mind when you ask yourself what your real purpose in life is. Keep writing until you find an answer that causes you an intense emotion, such as crying. That would be your life purpose. Please note that those who propose this method normally point out that it requires discipline, no distractions and persistence to arrive to the final answer without interrupting your work even if you feel at times impatient, frustrated, willing to do something else or to postpone the exercise. This method works best for people who are in touch with their feelings.


3. Bach Flower remedies. If you are someone who has some trouble being in touch with your deep feelings, and if you are open to alternative holistic remedies, you might resort to the use of Bach flower essences to put yourself in the right frequency to communicate more effectively with your Feeling Self and be able to find your life purpose. These are non-toxic natural herbal remedies made of flower essences that have unique energies to link you with the positive core of your own being. You may have heard of the famous “Rescue Remedy”, a combination of flower essences commonly used to help people in acute emotional situations.

There are 38 different flower essences. Each one corresponds to a specific emotional state. The one relevant here for the purpose of finding your life purpose is called “Wild Oat” (Bromus Ramosus). This flower has been called “the vocational calling flower” because it facilitates the dialogue with your inner guidance to determine what ideas are compatible with your life plan. (Simply add two drops of this flower remedy to a glass of water and sip it throughout the day as required. People with problems of alcoholism should note that the solutions contain a very small portion of alcohol).

Finding your life purpose is a process. The flower essence is intended to facilitate it at vibrational level by putting you in a “connective mood” with your inner self.

It is possible that once you begin to understand the philosophy behind the Bach Flower Remedies about the interaction between your Thinking Self, your Feeling Self and your Higher Self, you might want to define your life purpose as part of a broader, deeper scheme.


4. Ayurveda. If you want to define your life purpose having in mind a broader cosmology and a deeper concept of life, Ayurveda might give you the answer. (Ayurveda means “the science of life”in Sanskrit and it is the ancient healing knowledge that dates back in India more than 5,000 years). As part of the Ayurvedic spiritual wisdom, we have the law of Dharma (the law of purpose in life), which is explained by Dr. Deepak Chopra in his book "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success". Pursuant to this law, we are here to discover our superior being. Every one has a unique talent and a unique way to express it. And if you serve humanity while expressing your unique talent, then you are making full use of the Law of Dharma. Chopra suggests that you ask yourself these key questions: 1) “If money was not a problem and you had all the time and money in the world, what you would do?” And 2) “What is the best way you can serve humanity?”

You may find your answer right away. Or you may require establishing a deep contact with your inner self or your Higher Self in order to find your life purpose. Some people use meditation for this. Others find the answer through their Feeling Self. The point is to transcend the limits and dictates of your rational mind (your Thinking Self). And when you leave behind your rational mind, you are opening the door to your natural intuition.


5. Dowsing. People who have developed –or are in the process of developing- their intuition, recognize dowsing as a useful, easy and convenient method for communicating with deeper levels of their being when trying to find answers to important questions. And finding your life purpose is certainly an important question, perhaps the most important question of all. Learning to use a pendulum -or dowsing rods- is easy and fun. But dowsing is both a skill and an art. It requires guidance and experience to learn how to do it in a scientific way. The ability to get accurate answers requires training, practice, detachment from the result and learning to keep your emotions out of the process, because they can short-circuit the result when they interfere. If you wish to learn the basics of dowsing, and its scientific fundamentals, I recommend the book "Pendulum Power: A Mystery You Can See, A Power You Can Feel" by Greg Nielsen & Joseph Polansky.

Once you develop the ability to dowse correctly, you can use this skill to find the answers to your quest about your life purpose. You simply make a list of possible answers and dowse over each of them until you find the right one. You may wish to find a general answer first, and then try to refine it with more details, once you know the right direction.


6. Aura color. You can also know your basic life purpose when you know the principal color of your aura. The aura is an energy or electromagnetic field surrounding your physical body, as Kirilian photography shows. The human aura is composed of several different-color bands. The outer bands may frequently change colors, depending on your experiences through life. But the band (or two bands in some cases) closest to your body normally does not change, because it is your primordial aura life color. From a metaphysical point of view, your aura life color may clearly show your priorities, your choices in this lifetime and your essential purpose for being on this planet.

For example, people with a blue aura life color are here to give love and are drawn to helping professions like nursing, teaching or counseling. People with a yellow aura life color are here to bring joy to people and to have fun (as in the case of most comedians), but might also wish to help heal the planet. They are drawn to a whole variety of careers, because they like variety and choice. People with a violet aura life color are here to inspire and create change. They are visionaries who like to educate or inspire higher ideals to the masses. They love to improve the quality of life of people and to support humanitarian and environmental causes.

If you wish to explore this avenue for determining your aura life color, or the combination of colors you have and what kind of life purpose they reveal, I recommend the excellent book "Life Colors: What the Colors in Your Aura Reveal" by Pamala Oslie. This book has all the information you need as well as descriptions to easily identify your life color, even if you are not a psychic. Another related book is "How To See and Read The Aura" by Ted Andrews.


7. Spiritual guidance. The more you open your intuitive channels and raise your awareness, the more “thirsty” you become for spirituality. People who are well advanced in their spiritual growth can access their Spiritual Guides through meditation. It takes time, development and practice. But we all can do it if there is a firm commitment to spiritual development. People who reach this level are able to receive spiritual guidance about their life purpose, the best way to accomplish it, and other important matters.

Do not be discouraged if this option seems unattainable at your present moment. A spiritual path –if you sincerely decide to take it- will ultimately lead you to it. An interesting book (written in plain, simple English) I recommend to those who wish to pursue this avenue at some point in their lives, is "A Secret Door to the Universe: A Guide to Spiritual Development" by Paul Fenton-Smith.

The 7 ways I have included in this article are meant to inspire you. You have to find your own, unique way to determine your life purpose. It might be one of the above or a combination of them. Or a new one that comes to your mind when you are inspired. You will be happy when you find the method that gives you satisfaction according to the level of depth you want to reach. By now you may have realized that the deeper you want to go, the longer it might take. It is up to you. Follow your heart and your intuition in choosing what is best for you. Choose one method that is in agreement with your own nature (whether you are predominantly a rational person, an intuitive one, a combination of both, or a spiritual one). It should feel natural. It should not feel like a burden. You should enjoy the process.

Only you can determine beyond doubt when you have found your life purpose. You will know it when it feels completely right. A final consideration is the importance of discovering your primordial sense “to know for sure” when you have found your right answer. If you are an auditory person, it should “sound” completely right. If you are a visual person, it should “look” completely right. If you are a smeller person, it should not “smell fishy”. If you are a taster person, it should “taste delicious and healthy”. And if you are a feeler, it should “feel” (in its deepest sense) completely right.

Enjoy and live your blessings.

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