Personal Growth, Holistic Health and Success Blog

The Personal Growth, Holistic Healing and Success Blog lets you know about new pages on This site offers alternative medicine and sound healing for your body, Vibrational healing for your emotions, Subliminals for your mind, and inspiration and healing music for your soul.

Ayurveda tips to improve your daily life and promote a healthy diet & lifestyle

Buddha temple

Easy Ayurveda tips to restore your dosha natural balance, with health and energy in your daily life.

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Awakening. 5 tips to have a spiritual awakening. Why Inspiration and Spirituality are the way out and the mindful solution to the global state of affairs.

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Healing Your Gallbladder Holistically and Naturally: A Complete Guide


Healing the gall-bladder naturally and holistically with natural remedies, energy medicine, Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, acupuncture, diet, healing music and sound healing.

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Rejuvenate Your Adrenals with Holistic Healing


Embrace natural wellness by giving your adrenals what the need at physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

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Heal Your Thyroid Naturally and Holistically

Thyroid woman

How to heal your thyroid and your fifth chakra. What you need to know to heal thyroid conditions like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

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Online Meditation Class

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Be Healthy with Meditation. Take the course. Reduce your stress and anxiety, increase your awareness & focus, control your blood pressure & improve your sleep.

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How to Heal Arthritis and Joint Inflammation Naturally & Holistically

arthritis-joint inflammation

Natural and holistic remedies, diet and emotional causes of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions of your joints, tendons and ligaments.

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Your Brain Waves

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Learn about the Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and Gamma waves and download the audios to have a better relaxation, concentration and study, meditation or sleep.

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The Indian Calendar's Positive Predictions for 2022 and 2023

Indian Calendar

A message of hope and optimism for the near future. Based on the ancient Indian Calendar

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How to Heal Your Liver Naturally and Holistically


Heal your liver with natural remedies and diet. Address the emotional and metaphyscal causes of liver problems.

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You Are Enough: Overcoming the Lie That You're Not Good Enough

You are Enough

Discover how to silence the inner critic telling you that you're not enough. Overcome self-doubt, embrace your inherent worth and live authentically.

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How to Find Your Passion and Purpose in Life

How to Find Your Passion

This book gives you important tips to clearly identify your true passion and helps you discover your main purpose in life. It also shows you some ways to live your passion and higher purpose.

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How to Meditate Easily

How to Meditate Easily_cover

This book is a practical guide to master the art of meditation in easy steps. Meditate easily and boost your well-being. Reduce stress, anxiety or depression.

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The Alpha Mind State Keeps you Sane


Overcome your stress, anxiety and adrenal fatigue with the Alpha mind state. Be more creative and productive. Enjoy free Alpha audios and meditations.

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How to Find Your Inner Peace

inner peace

Your inner peace is the way to access your divine source for guidance.

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Joy in Your Life

Why joy is the number one priority to manifest your dreams. Understand joy from a healing and metaphysical perspective to improve your life.

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How to Heal your Stomach Naturally and Holistically

image heal your stomach

How to heal your stomach naturally and holistically. Natural remedies for stomach problems. The emotional causes of stomach problems. Audio with positive affirmations for your stomach.

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Your Thymus Gland

Boost your immune system by strengthening the energy of your thymus gland

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Ayurvedic Dosha Quiz

Ayurvedic Dosha Quiz

Take this quiz to discover your predominant Ayurvedic dosha. Are you a Vata, Pitta or Kapha mind-body type?

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How to Heal Migraine Headaches Naturally and Holistically

Migraine headache

The natural remedies, the Ayurvedic diet, the lifestyle and the physical, emotional and metaphysical causes you need to know to heal migraine headaches.

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How to Be Immune from Coronavirus. A Natural and Holistic Approach.


Boost your immunity against Coronavirus with natural remedies, dietary advice and holistic tools.

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Positive Affirmations

Recordings of positive affirmations to boost your health and wellness

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Heal with Music. Discover the Secret Healing Power of Spiritual Music

Heal with music. Learn about the holistic healing power of musical tones used scientifically to balance not only your emotions, but also your meridians and the organs of your physical body.

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Hi-Fi Music Streaming is already possible

Hi-fi audio

Can we stream music with hi-fi quality? Some thoughts on the audio quality of the music we listen to on the internet.

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The Power of Collective Meditation to Help Save the Amazon Rainforest


Collective meditations raise the frequency and consciousness on the planet. They can help save the Amazon rainforest and also bring peace to the world.

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The 38 Bach Flower Sound Frequencies


Listen to the Bach Flowers in sound form. Balance your emotional states. Download the 38 Bach flower sound frequencies.

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Sound Bath with Tibetan Bowls

Sound Bath Tibetan Bowls

Enjoy a Sound Bath with Tibetan Bowls tuned to 432 Hz. You can use it for your meditations and for tuning up your Chakras.

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Holistic Healing: A path to Wellness & Happiness with Holistic Tools.


Holistic Healing Teachings. Sound Healing Frequencies. Healing Music. Subliminal Audios. Ayurveda. Natural Remedies. Holistic Books. Online Meditation Class.

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Holistic Consultations

Personal Holistic Consultation

Holistic consultations. One-on-one. Online. Alternative, natural, holistic and vibrational healing solutions to your problems.

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How to Meditate with Music in 10 Easy Steps

monk meditation

Meditate with Music. Turn your music listening into meditation. A guide in 10 easy steps. Includes a meditation music playlist.

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Heal Colds and Flu with Natural and Holistic Remedies

Colds and Flu

How to heal colds and flu with home remedies, natural remedies and holistic remedies, without side effects.

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Heal Depression Naturally and Holistically

the bach flower sound frequencies green

Heal depression naturally and holistically. Give your body, mind and soul what they need. Alternative medicine, nutrition, vibrational holistic remedies and sound healing.

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How to Find Happiness

the five paths 3 devices

How to find happiness: Discover 5 ways you can find happiness and live a happier life, according to your personality type, based on Psychology and ancient wisdom. Download the book "The Five Paths to Happiness".

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Attract Love to Your Life with this Subliminal Audio

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Attract love to your life with subliminal audio to reprogram your subconscious mind with powerful positive affirmations and relaxing music in 432Hz.

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Natural and Holistic Remedies for Stress Relief.

image stress relief

Natural and holistic remedies for stress relief. How to manage stress in 5 minutes without pills.

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How to have a healthy prostate with natural and holistic remedies

Male listening

How to have a healthy prostate. Natural remedies, diet tips and sound healing for your prostate health.

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Healing Music for Meditation, Relaxation, Inspiration and Well-being

Healing Music by Javier Ramon Brito

Listen free to healing music for meditation, relaxation, inspiration, spiritual healing and well-being of your spirit, mind and body.

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Mood Food: The Relationship between the Food you Eat and Your Emotions

mood food

Mood food: Mood food: Do you know the impact of the food you eat in the thoughts you think, the emotions you feel, the decisions you make and the reality you create for yourself? Find the answer here.

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Life Energy and Vitality

woman life energy

What is life energy? Can you recharge it? What is the main source of Chi? How to increase your vitality the natural way.

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Attract Wealth, Money, Prosperity and Abundance with Subliminal Audio

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Attract wealth, money, prosperity and abundance with subliminal audio to reprogram your subconscious mind with powerful affirmations, music and Theta frequency.

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The Solfeggio Healing Frequencies


Tune up your chakras in 7 minutes with the secret Solfeggio sound frequencies. For your convenience, these healing sounds are offered now in a downloadable format.

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Discover Your Life Purpose

7 Ways to Find Your Life Purpose: Numerology, the Writing Method, Ayurveda, Expert Dowsing, Wild Oat, Aura Color, and Spiritual Guidance.

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Overcome Disappointment Easily and Live Rich Experiences

How to deal with disappointment, despondency, discouragement or setbacks and easily overcome them. Do not let them prevent you from living rich experiences.

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Free Holistic Videos

Free holistic, inspiring videos to foster your joy, healing and spiritual awareness during times of global change.

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The Secret of Success

Is hard work truly the one and only road to success? Discover the real secret of progress and success in your life.

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Royalty-free Music for Health & Wellness and Holistic Products and Services

One-Stop Royalty-Free Music for Guided Meditations, Hypnosis, Subliminal CDs and Spas

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How to create an effective plan for anything, using successfully your left brain and right brain together to make sure it is a good plan that works for you.

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How to Heal Tinnitus and Ear Problems the Natural Way

The nutritional approach. Natural Ayurvedic remedies, homeopathy, fifth chakra healing and music therapy for tinnitus and general ear problems.

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Law of Attraction Tips

Tips, meditations and manual on how to apply the Law of Attraction successfully.

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